It was a pleasure to welcome Harald Kimmig, Daniel Studer and Alfred Zimmerlin in the studio in December 2022, who recorded a new album with us. The three gentlemen are kings of improvisation and masters of completely relaxed and friendly cooperation. That was a lot of fun. Thank you very much!

The skill and subtlety displayed in this concert was, frankly, amazing, with a recurring sense of “how did we get here?” due to the incredibly organic way they gently massaged and manoeuvred musical sounds and materials. Anyone with doubts concerning the veracity of improvisation in comparison to pre-composed music would have had them instantly dispelled. It was a real privilege to see the musicians in such complete control of their instruments, displaying utmost technical and compositional maturity yet with an omnipresent sense of play.
(Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Simon Cummings, 2016)