Become a member

We are happy about every new member!

Who we are

Help our volunteer cause by becoming a member or supporting our work financially with donations. From a membership fee of already 50 euros per year you contribute to the preservation of this historic place.

As a member, you will hear about our events first and receive a member discount.

By becoming a member (hyperlink) you help us to secure this place.
With membership or donations (deductible) you make us possible:
– Realize own share of subsidies
– Offer workshops for children and teenagers cheap
– Financing of infrastructure (,

utilities, maintenance, purchase of studio inventory or repairs).
We will issue a receipt/invoice for donations or membership fees.


We have compiled here some photos from our first season November 2022 – July 2023.


Highlight on 17.3.2023. Trio from Tel Aviv inspires audience. Photo ©Ofir Abe

New website for The MPS Studio

We are pleased to present you the new website for MPS Studio. Here you can find out everything about the studio, events and the club. There are lots of great new...